Pretty Bouquet in a Basket


Pretty Bouquet in a Basket

Pretty Bouquet in a Basket
Pretty Bouquet in a Basket

Instead of walking, you might skip down the aisle with this Pretty Bouquet in a Basket. There's just something about holding a basket that makes you want to frolic in a field of flowers. Instead of holding a traditional bouquet, swing this basket bouquet. It would also make an adorable flower girl basket, as well as an easy flower centerpiece. There are a number of creative ways to incorporate this pretty floral arrangement into your wedding. Pick your favorite and turn your big day into a lark through the meadow.

Estimated Cost$11-$20

Time to CompleteIn an evening


Primary TechniqueGeneral Paper Crafting


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What a neat idea! I've never seen a flower basket before, but it looks like an awesome and stress-free flower idea.


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