Dollar Bill Flower Bouquet
The Dollar Bill Flower Bouquet is a fun twist on the traditional, natural flower bouquet. If you're going for a quirky vibe, you can carry this bunch down the aisle or use it as your toss bouquet during the reception. This DIY wedding craft will certainly get your guests talking, because it's something you don't see at every celebration. At first glance, this bouquet looks like traditional flowers, but at second glance, you realize this bunch of blooms is really made out of money. When it comes to wedding bouquet ideas, it really doesn't get much better than this unique and creative paper flower craft.
Estimated CostUnder $10
Time to CompleteUnder an hour
Primary TechniquePaper Crafts
Read NextThe Perfect Spring Wedding Bouquet
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Cheryl Y
Mar 29, 2017
What a great Idea this is! I love the idea of making money roses but after reading the how to and reading the comments, I'm still not to sure how to put it together? I truly need figure this one out. I would love to make this for my daughters wedding this fall. I'm going to cut some paper the size of a dollar and try it so I don't mess up real money. Fingers crossed that I can get this one down. Thank you for sharing this how to..
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